Lynher Dairy Cornish Yarg 4kg

Product Code: 705490 Category:
Milk Type:

Product Description

A uniquely striking Cornish cheese wrapped in local nettle leaves. Lynher Dairies, owned by Catherine Mead OBE, is home to Cornish Yarg and Cornish Kern. Created in the 1980s after finding a 17th century recipe for nettle wrapped cheese in his attic, local Bodmin Moor farmer Alan Gray used his surname spelt backwards to provide a unique ‘Cornish’ sounding title.

Each wheel is crafted at the small, rural dairy in mid-Cornwall using milk from carefully selected local farms, where cows graze on the lush green pastures. The leaves are brushed onto the cheese in concentric circles, which attract naturally occurring moulds, appearing as a beautiful white bloom on these dark green leaves when mature. Nettled Yarg breaks down under the slightly earthy edible rind, retaining an irresistible crumble at the core. The profile is buttery with a subtle herbal flavour and punctuated by a fresh, lemony finish.


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