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Natural Greek Yogurt

This classic tangy, thick textured Greek-style yogurt is pot set and retains a layer of cream on top.

Available in 3 formats:
704900 – 1kg tub
704901 – 4kg bucket
704899 – 500g tub

Category: Tag
Milk Type:

Product Description

Schulz’s Greek yoghurt is free of stabilisers, thickeners or additives.  Probiotic cultures – acidophilus, bifidus and L. Casein – are added to the certified organic milk to develop a gentle acidity and thick texture.  The yogurt is then strained to remove whey, providing a thicker texture again. The milk is unhomogenised, so a thick layer of cream sits on top.

Handle the pots carefully and don’t stir before use.  Once broken by your spoon, the protein-rich whey will separate from the curd, as you’ll see after the first scoop.  Before the next serve, pour the pooling whey in your bowl before you ladle more yogurt, so you don’t miss the nutrients.

Available in 3 formats:
704900 – 1kg tub
704901 – 4kg bucket
704899 – 500g tub

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