Scamorza Affumicata 1kg

Smoking over Beechwood imparts a golden colour and genuine smokey flavour but doesn’t overwhelm the milky tones of the cheese.

Product Code: 700054 Category:
Milk Type:

Product Description

This stretched curd is strained longer than other popular styles of pasta filata cheese resulting in a firmer final product. After stretching, it is formed into 1kg logs or ‘salumi’ which is easy to slice and portion.

Smoking over beechwood imparts a golden colour and genuine smokey flavour without overwhelming the milky tones of the cheese. Perfect for when you want to add a smoky hint to toasties, panini and pasta dishes.

That’s Amore Cheese Scamorza Smoked 1kg 700054 Cheese Note 21Feb2022

Giorgio Linguanti’s love of fine food began when working in a small shop in Sicily that specialised in products from the nearby Aeolian Islands. On arriving in Melbourne in 2004, with a love of food and speaking only Italian, he turned his hand to cheese making and in 2008 That’s Amore was born.

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